I've been thinking a lot about home. What it means to be home. On the flight back home from Korea I was extremely homesick to the point I was physically sick. I missed my husband, my kids, and my house. The flight couldn't go fast enough, not to mention little boy was hysterical. Since I've been home I've been thinking about what home means to me. Home is safety, peace, rest, laughter, fun, security, and love. I have mentioned before what a spiritual battle that has in-sued since we stepped out in faith to adopt, but this week the prince of this world has attacked from every angle. So this week has me thinking about my heavenly home. Am I as homesick for heaven as I am for my earthly home? I say all the time we need to be kingdom focused. But am I focused on the latter rather than the former? This world is passing away and the King of Glory Jesus Christ will be coming to destroy this earth. Everything here will burn with a fervent heat and melt. Do we know of our true home? The home we will be welcomed into with the loving arms of our Father. Where true peace and rest await. To see from a spiritual perspective with all knowledge of this life. I'm homesick! I'm ready to enter into a kingdom with my Father and rest from my labor. No more sorrow, no more orphans, no more fighting, no more sin, no more shame. I am a pilgrim and a sojourner here in this country, but I look toward a new country. This world is passing and my home will be destroyed to be replaced with a perfect home. Thank you Lord for preparing a place for me! I long to see you at home!